Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Notes for 2-2

Today we talked more about vectors especially how to combine them. We worked through several types of practice problems which all required you to be able to combine vectors. For example, one type of problem gives you 2 vectors and ask for a third which, when combined with the other 2, gives you a vector with 0 magnitude. For those, you add the i and j components of your vectors and the final one will have the same value but with the opposite symbol(+/-). Another type of problem we solved asked for the vector that would result when multiple vectors are combined. For those you just add the i and j components and if you need the angle, it helps to draw it out and think of the i component as the x value and the j component as the y value. One thing to note is that these problems are very similar to physics problems that involve vectors of forces.

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